Welcome to this new adventure of ours! I am very happy you’re here and I look forward to our sharing ideas and resources. I’ll be sharing one or two videos with you each week as well as some written information to go with each video. Before I decided to release the videos at Substack, I had intended them to be an online class which is why sometimes I refer to them as classes.
This first week, I am sending you an introductory video that’s about seven minutes long (see above) and one called What’s Good About Aging that’s a little over 11 minutes long (in the next email). There are also two PDFs, one with each video.
There is a learning curve for me here so thanks for bearing with me as I get up to speed on this way of sharing videos with you.
I encourage you to use the comment section so we can have a group discussion for those so inclined.
Thanks for joining me!
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