Is there a “one thing?”
As we age, it is natural to think about ways to slow the aging process or at least make it less objectionable. There are plenty of people who have turned this into successful businesses that offer lotions and potions, masks and techniques, exercise regimes, meditations and more. Although all of these are fine and can serve useful purposes for those who decide to use them, there is one thing I think is the best possible way to age gracefully, wisely, and successfully. What is it?
Learn something new: a different language, how to crochet or knit, needlework, or woodworking. Take up a new skill such as drawing or painting. Learn to fly a plane or helicopter. Become an outstanding home chef by trying new recipes and cooking techniques. I’m sure there is something new you could learn that would bring you joy.
When we learn something new, our brains go into a happy state. says:
“Everything that you experience leaves its mark on your brain. When you learn something new, the neurons involved in the learning episode grow new projections and form new connections. Your brain may even produce new neurons. Physical exercise can induce similar changes, as can taking antidepressants. By contrast, stress, depression, ageing and disease can have the opposite effect, triggering neurons to break down and even die. The ability of the brain to change in response to experience is known as structural plasticity, and it is in a tug-of-war with processes that drive neurodegeneration.”
If you think about some older people you know who show a lack of interest in life, who stare at the television all day, and who are depressed, I am willing to bet these people have not learned anything new in years and now aren’t even interested.
On the other hand, you look around at people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s who are engaged with life, mostly happy, friendly, and interesting, I suspect you’ll find they are constantly expanding their knowledge and experience.
The most important thing you can do to grow wiser while growing older is to learn something new. Find out what that is for you, if you don’t already know, and pursue it with passion.